Soaring Through Second Grade by Ms Orwat image

Soaring Through Second Grade by Ms Orwat

Double Your Your Impact! For every dollar donated, the Fullerton Education Foundation will match up to $500!

$400 raised

$394 goal

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Soaring Through Second Grade by Ms. Orwat

In an effort to help my second graders soar to new heights in math, I want to incorporate more hands-on learning opportunities and technology into our curriculum. The students will use the requested materials to work on math skills, as well as develop their problem-solving strategies. Additionally, the whiteboards, counting collection materials, and cards will be used to enhance CGI in my classroom. The headphones will allow the students to work efficiently on their iPads, as well as provide them with an opportunity to create individual projects using apps like Seesaw. It is my hope that with these materials my students will develop a love a math while completing engaging and rigorous problems.